Our Services

A thorough assessment is an essential step in helping clinicians gain an understanding of each client’s strengths and difficulties. This involves a personalised, in-depth process of gathering necessary information from the client and their family/support network to enable selection of appropriate and effective goals for therapy. Assessments can involve many methods of data collection, including formal (standardised) testing, observational assessment and parent/teacher/support network interviews or questionnaires.
Once the assessment process is completed, an individualised therapy plan will be developed. The client and their family/support network will be included at all stages of treatment and we encourage the continued involvement and support in therapy sessions and any home therapy programs initiated. Our sessions are mostly individual; however, if appropriate, your clinician may offer you a small group session. Therapy sessions are generally conducted at our clinics; however, home, kindergarten, school and aged care centre visits can be arranged. Please discuss this with your clinician to determine which best suits your needs

We work with children who present with a wide variety of speech, language or feeding difficulties.
Speech sounds – the sounds used when speaking and how well someone is understood
Orofacial myology - the assessment and treatment of oral and facial muscles, postural and functional disorders and oral habits that may disrupt normal growth and development
Expressive language – using words and sentences correctly
Receptive language – the ability to understand information, follow directions and answer questions
Literacy – knowledge of sounds for reading and writing, reading comprehension and writing skills
Stuttering – an interruption to the rhythm and flow of speech
Feeding – supporting picky eaters to develop skills
Play and social communication skills – the interaction between others
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) – using a variety of methods to promote communication including key word sign, PECS, PODD, LAMP and other non-verbal methods of communication
Telehealth is face-to-face speech therapy that is done online via video conferencing. This service is appropriate for clients living outside our service areas, or those who would prefer not to attend our clinic in person. Research has indicated that Telehealth can deliver the same outcomes and progress as face-to-face therapies. Call us to discuss if Telehealth would be appropriate for you.

Warwick Speech Pathology provides support for adults with dysphagia and complex communication difficulties. We are able to complete mealtime assessments at home and in the clinic, as well as provide education to support workers and/or families around diet modifications. Additionally, we can complete assessments for a range of alternative and augmentative communication solutions and work with clients to implement recommendations in their home, work and social environments.
We work with adults with a variety of speech, language and swallowing difficulties including:
Speech sounds - the sounds used when speaking and how well someone is understood
Stuttering - an interruption to the rhythm and flow of speech
Swallowing assessment and dysphagia management
Aged care assessment and management (including in servicing and education)
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) – using a variety of methods to promote communication including key word sign, PECS, PODD, LAMP and other non-verbal methods of communication
All clincians are registered with Medicare
All major Health Care Funds accepted
NDIS self & plan managed clients welcome

Let's Connect

Warwick Speech Pathology
55 Guy Street
Warwick QLD 4370
(In Hear4Good Building)
(07) 4630 9459